When we believe we are solely our minds and our physical body, we disconnect from where we came from. When we disconnect from our creator, there is a sense of a lack of fulfillment. We try to fulfill our insides with physical pleasures or security such as relationship validation, material objects, and the consumption of food, drugs, or anything that gives us temporary love.
There is nothing wrong with relationships or material goods but these should be used to enhanced our life, not from a need for fulfillment. When we do not see the connection between the physical world and spiritual world, the fact that God is within and outside of us and we are all connected by this infinite energy field, this creates a sense of separation between you and others and you and God. And we seek this sense of unity in things outside of us because we know this feeling… We came from God, we are seeking God and unity, but we do not know where to truly find it…
If we rely only on our minds and the physical world, our minds create fear as a by product of the the separation between the physical and spiritual world. Competition, greed, corruption, and needing external validation occur to feel ‘fulfilled'.’ This ultimately creates blockages, like warped energy, within our bodies, resulting in a lack of energy flow. If there are blockages in our bodies then God, or life force energy is not able to flow freely through us. Then, our fears begin to project into our reality. We attract our fears and of course, this has a purpose. God wants to show you where you need trust more, love more, and evolve. When you face your fears, the idea is to accept them & love them to transform them. You are getting your mind out of the way and allowing spirit to flow through you to heal any blockages.
When you realize that you are a spiritual being, that you come from God and are made of God, then you can find true fulfillment within. This inner fulfillment will project out into your reality, as God can now flow fully through you and you become aligned with your true self.
My favorite saying ever: “Let go, let God…” and it comes down to releasing the rational mind/ego that operates from fear and separation that creates blockages in the body and energy field and open yourself up to love, trust, unity. That what you are within, is reflected out. If you are seeking fulfillment in anything outside of you, see where you are lacking a connection with spirit, a sense of unity with everything around you, and deep sense of trust within.
My favorite practices to reconnect with God are Kundalini Activation, Energy Healing, spending time in nature, & learning to have a good relationship with your emotions, because emotions are energy in emotion or God in motion. Emotions are the way that God speaks to you, propelling you towards unity. I can be your guide to find deep fulfillment and wellness within.