Why conscious work is essential to live from the heart

Like a computer, the Earth is programmed to a certain software. Like Earth, we also have programmings within us that run our thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, and emotional patterns. If we do not put in the conscious effort to change our program, then we will run on it unconsciously.

Since Earth or most of society operates from a 3D software, it means that the people of Earth mostly operate from a survival based mechanism. You will see this reflected in our chakras. The 1st t0 3rd chakras are mostly concerned with survival, protection, and ego, which are essential in life, but to be used to for a ‘good’ purpose. The 4th chakra or 4D happen at the heart. The heart is where we start to have love and compassion for all because we realize we are all one, we are all connected by an energy field. What we do to ourselves, we do to others and vice versa. Our actions, the way we put ourselves out in the world, are based on love vs fear.

Living from the 4D means consciously reprogramming your brain and nervous system to go from patterns of protection and survival to patterns of love and abundance. There are different ways to go about this. You can educate yourself on the topic first by watching movies, documentaries, learning about the chakras and the different dimensions. I love the movie ‘Code 12.’ You can learn about the human biological need for survival, how we are all wired with protective mechanisms birthed by our ego and the need to belong. Yet my favorite way and what I have seen results with deep cellular rewiring is going within. Working with your energy, with your body, and directly with your belief systems and programmings. I can be your guide. Humans are meant to help humans. I have to thank all of my teachers for guiding me and planting seeds of love in my brain and nervous system. I am here to do the same for others. Going from survival mode to abundant mode means going against the programming of Earth, the 3D, and it takes community to be able to create and uphold this reality.
