Many cultures around the world experience an imbalance of energy, where the immature masculine side has prevailed in society, including a repression of the feminine, and we have seen it not only politically but emotionally and also relating to physical and spiritual health.
Feminine energy is characterized by being evolutionary, creative, and empowered, embracing cycles of rest and cycles of expansion. It is about trusting and surrendering, feeling it all. Being that power or force that softens the world, honors herself and her emotions, and feels and leads from the heart. When we talk about feminine energy, it is not just about women. Men, too, have shut off their feminine energy and, in turn, tried to control it, to shut off emotions, to repress intuition, and lead a very hyper physical, ego-led reality.
Healthy masculine energy is the most beautiful gift that society desires. The masculine energy provides a safe container for the feminine to be expressed. We all hold masculine and feminine energy, and in different situations, we go into one or the other for ourselves and others.
Kundalini Shakti is a term used to describe the feminine power, and right now now a reawakening is happening to the feminine. That is why practices like Kundalini Activation are becoming more common. There is a rise in leading from the heart and following the natural rhythms of life. In some ways, it is opening the path for women and men to embrace a forgotten truth. When you surrender versus control, when you open yourself to receive the creator’s gifts, and learn to feel into the emotions of life and develop a relationship with the physical and spiritual, it unlocks the half that a lot of us have been missing.
We do live in a world where men do not know how to hold space for and honor women because they were never taught how to relate to their emotions or face their shadows. Same with women. Then, women cannot show up properly for their children. Additionally, women learn to repress themselves as a protective pattern, shutting down their life force, dishonoring themselves and values, reinforcing the immature masculine. This also applies to men in predominantly in their immature feminine and masculine.
Even from the moment we are born, it is in a cold hospital room. The baby might be separated from the mother, and then the mother has to go back to work instead of fully embracing her role as a mother and embracing her unique role. This creates mother-starved children and reflects the way society relates to women and our differences. Our values must be readjusted. We all can benefit from more vulnerability, warmth, nurturing, and emotion and honoring our cyclical nature… We are all awakening our feminine power, bringing healing to ourselves and others and restoring the balance between the feminine and masculine within.